OHP: Man Dies After Overturning Semi Along I-40

OHP: Man Dies After Overturning Semi Along I-40

Silver Alert Canceled For Missing Tulsa Man

Silver Alert Canceled For Missing Tulsa Man

Utah School District Accidentally Shares Ex-Employee Threat

Utah School District Accidentally Shares Ex-Employee Threat

Oklahoma Man Sentenced To Life In Prison For Accessory To Murder

Oklahoma Man Sentenced To Life In Prison For Accessory To Murder

Tulsa Jury Recommends Life In Prison For Man Who Represented Himself

Tulsa Jury Recommends Life In Prison For Man Who Represented Himself

Tulsa Man Chooses To Represent Himself In Murder Trial

Tulsa Man Chooses To Represent Himself In Murder Trial

Tulsa Police Still Investigating City's 11th Homicide

Tulsa Police Still Investigating City's 11th Homicide

Tulsa Police Identify Homicide Victim
Ponca City Drug Bust Arrests

Ponca City Drug Bust Arrests